It all started last night. My husband and I were nestled in bed playing Yahtzee on my iphone, he beat me, and when we were through it was about 12:30 or so. I rolled over and got comfy and just as my eyes closed, Heidi woke up. This is not unusual. In fact, she does this pretty much every night. How she knows when I am ready for sleep, I don't know. I even try to trick her by going to bed at different times. She always knows. I have left her to cry and see if she will go back to sleep. She just screams. I turn off the monitor, shut my door, turn on a loud fan. I can still hear her. Actually, I can't hear her, but her crying fills my head and I just think I can hear her. Basically, I can't sleep if she is crying and the girl just doesn't give up. If I go get her and nurse her, I can usually be back in bed in 20 minutes. So I do this. I am back in bed by about 1:10. Jared is snoring. I can't sleep. I kick him out at 2:00. I go to sleep. Heidi wakes up at 5am. I nurse her. Back in bed at 5:20. Then the worst sound happened. It is almost like scraping nails down a chalkboard. It was Jared opening our dresser drawer to get clothes out. Ever since we painted the dresser it is so hard to open the drawers and it makes the worst sound. So I am awake again. It was about 5:45. He showered and kissed me goodbye. My alarm went off. 7:00 I am TIRED! I got all the kids up and ready and took Megan to gymnastics and then went walking and came home and cleaned up the house. Went back to get Megan and came home and fed everyone lunch. I timed it just right. I got Heidi and Christian down for a nap at the SAME TIME!!! Yay! I can take a nap. I got Megan and Ethan occupied and I went and got in bed and laid there.... For TWO HOURS!!! I couldn't go to sleep! What the heck? What is wrong with me??? Then Heidi woke up. Megan went to get her and I just laid there frustrated and MAD! The kids wanted crush cup yogurts. They got them out by themselves. Megan called to me to tell me that I needed to look at something funny with Heidi. I said no way. She brought Heidi to me. All the kids were laughing. I looked at Heidi. Her head was covered in purple yogurt. Why. Why. Why. Ethan did it. I asked Megan to get her cleaned up and I am madder now. Kids do such dumb things. I am getting my butt out of bed when Ethan comes to me. He says Christian spilled yogurt on the carpet. WHAT?????????????????????? Dang it! There was purple freakin yogurt on my carpet. I spanked him and sent him to his room. Yelled at Ethan for putting yogurt on Heidi's head and sent him to the room, too. I cleaned up the mess and picked Heidi up who had been crying while I was dishing out the punishments and the poor girl had dried on yogurt film all over her face. If I wasn't so frustrated I would have laughed. It was pretty funny looking. As I am typing this, it seems like I left them alone for hours, but seriously it was maybe 5 minutes. A lot can happen in 5 unsupervised minutes. To make a long story short, the boys remained in their room playing legos until their nutritious meal of ravioli was served, Heidi took another nap, I ate something I would rather not have for the sake of saving my weight watcher points for later (I really need some chocolate) and Heidi had her first ritz cracker...
So now Heidi is covered in yogurt, cracker, applesauce, and ravioli and needs a bath. Oh how I love the smell of clean babies! I got her in the tub and washed her all up and she was playing with her cute little bath toy when she POOPED! I screamed. By now I am way too tired to even get frustrated and I just start laughing. I let the water out and stand her up and she just keeps on poopin. It was really quite disgusting, but what do you do? I washed it all down the drain, rinsed the tub real well, filled up the tub, washed her AGAIN, and got her out quick before she could dirty herself again. Of course my bad day has to have a poop story in it :D This day doesn't seem so bad as I read over it, but couple it with no sleep, being stressed trying to sell a house, not having a husband home, and calorie deprivation and it is a downright mess of a day.
Now the kids are all tucked in their beds fast asleep and I am ready for that chocolate.
Blogging and chocolate... A good way to end a bad day.
Hopefully I can sleep tonight and tomorrow will be filled with fun with my sweet kids....
Monday Montage - Fruit Salad
1 day ago
Yikes! What a day that was! Hope you were able to get some sleep.
Oh no!! What a day!! Sometimes you just have to pray for bedtime, huh?
Boy oh boy....I can remember having days like that when my kids were just a little younger. I hope tomorrow is better!!
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