Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Replacement Daddy

Christian came up to me crying the other day. He wanted his daddy. Since Jared only gets to see us on weekends, it gets quite hard for the kids sometimes. I tried to console him. I told him we were going to go visit daddy this weekend and he can see him them. Christian cried and cried, "I want my daddy!" Gosh, I felt so bad for him. How do I make him feel better? So again, I told him we would go see daddy soon. Then he told me, "No, I want my lego daddy!" I could NOT stop laughing! I found his lego daddy and he was completely happy. What a kid! The lego daddy has a hard hat and bristly beard just like "real" daddy does. He also has a lego mommy that he seldom plays with. :D


Lorren Says... said...

Ha ha! That's funny. At least it was an easy problem to fix. :)

Liz said...

LOL!! How funny!

JIM B. (Also known as Roger Butler) said...

I am extremely upset, why does Christian not have a Papa leggo? Don't they make them? Love Papa

a said...
