Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Moving Day

I finally got back on my computer, YAY!!! I have lots to post...

We moved Saturday. Friday the moving people came and packed our stuff. It took 3 guys all day to do it.

My bathroom and closet...


Megan's room...

The Boys' room... all the way to the ceiling! (what are they going to do with the bat?)

Loading up the stuff in the huge truck...

On the road. We stopped at place to eat and ate in the car because we had a hamster and fish along for the ride...

The boys...

Our car was packed to maximum capacity!

Everything but the kitchen sink!

Heidi ate some banana from the wrong end of the fork LOL! yum!

We made it to Ft Worth and settled into our hotel room. I will be posting pics of this place soon. We are waiting for our check from the company so we can close on our new house...


bknmkalhyland said...

How sad to see your house all packed up! I'm missing all of you Walters!

Liz said...

Hope ya get settled in quickly!

Nelson & Valerie Cluff said...

what does Jared do?