Megan has been doing such a great job cleaning her room, making her bed, and getting great report cards. We decided to reward her with a hamster. She has been wanting one for ever and we just didn't want to get one. Last night we picked her up from gymnastics and took her to petsmart. She held a chinese dwarf hamster and it kept jumping right out of her hands, it was so tiny. The guy told us those kind were good about not biting, but they were fast. Megan liked the winter white ones, but he said they are bad about biting. She wanted to hold one anyway. He got one out and it was so calm and it didn't bite her or the guy so he is the one we got. We didn't name him yet, I told Megan to get to know him a little bit first. I am sure the name will be corny. The hamster hasn't stopped running around. He loves the wheel. It is so fun to watch him.
We had an ultrasound yesterday and everything looks great! It was fun to see the little baby, he/she was wiggling around a lot and the dr thought it had the hiccups. How fun! I love to hear the heart beat, too. Then the dr said something that did not make me happy. He showed us this little thing off the bottom of the baby, he said it was the fetal phallus and it would become the girl part or the boy part. He said the way it looked, it was probably going to be a BOY!!!! NO!!! I didn't want to hear that. I want a girl too bad! I will be super depressed if we have another boy. I hope he is wrong. We will see in June. I am going to pretend he didn't say any of that LOL!
Last night I got a call from my friend Heather and she told me the craziest story about golf ball size hail and broken skylights and windshields and a husband running out in the hail with a pot on his head to rescue chickens. There is video of this and as soon as I can I will post it LOL!!! So I am worried about our van. We can't fit it in our garage because of a ton of crap in there and we are too lazy and poor to buy some organization stuff. Anyway, with the storm headed our direction I knew it could either slow down or gain strength. I wanted the van in the garage. I made Jared go out with me and we shoved and stacked everything so we could get the van in. It is a funny site. I think you can only get in on the drivers side. And you would know it, there was only rain when it got to us. It would have been hail if the van was outside. I think I am motivated to get it organized now.
The garden stinks. The only thing doing well are the green beans. You can see dead plants in the background. I guess it is all the cold nights we are having. Who knows.
Lately Christian has a new past time and it isn't one I was excited about. He goes in his room and takes his diaper off! We have a lego table with deep wells in the sides to store the legos and he sits on the edge and says, "I poop!" I frantically grab him off everytime and thank goodness he didn't really poop. Phew! Recently he took his diaper off and put the doll stroller on Ethan's bed, sat in it, and PEED all over the bed. He was proud of himself. LOL! I was not happy. We decided to go buy a potty chair and see what he does. Well, last night as soon as I got it out of the box, he sat on it and peed. It was a couple drops. We cheered. He sat back down and peed a few more drops. We cheered again. I told him to go more. He sat down, concentrated, and jumped up, "I POTTY I POTTY!!!" I looked in there and there was a lot of pee. WOW! That was awesome! So we emptied it out and he continued to use it until bedtime. Very exciting. I was curious what today would bring. He woke up without wetting his diaper so I helped him off with it and he peed on the potty. It is an hour and a half later now and he has peed a couple more times in it. I wonder if he really may be getting potty trained. I am not going to hold my breath.
Also, here is an update with the garden. The pic is of the beans. They are doing well. The tomatoes and a cucumber plant, and a squash plant are not looking so hot. I hope they get better!
Yesterday I took a picture of our garden and there were no beans visible. They broke ground sometime from yesterday morning to this morning! The kids were so excited. It really is cool to see them start poking out of the ground. We bought 6 more cucumber plants to replace the one that died so I planted the other 5 along the fence, we will see what happens to them...
I decided I better write a blog because I go see my friends' blogs almost everyday to see if they posted something and when there isn't anything new I get sad and I think, gosh, I wish they would post something so I can read it since I am BORED. Then I noticed that I hadn't posted anything since February LOL!!! I am so bad at this because I am too lazy to get my camera and get the pictures off of it. But I did it today and so this post will be very long and have lots of pictures. Probaby will take me all morning. Good thing the kids are on the DS....
Last night I had an open house for uppercase living. It is so fun. I got to show off Megan's room. Here it is...
If you want to see the catalog, go to and in the bottom right-hand corner click customer corner login. Then you need to enter the following info: Demonstrator ID: 476429 Registration Token: april If you want anything, please let me know! Can you see my cute stamped curtains???
Last week we decided to try planting a garden. I am SOOOO afraid of bugs, so I am nervous because I tried an herb garden before and when I was pulling the weeds a weird bug got on my arm and that was the end of it for me. My garden died. So we did a raised bed garden with stuff under it to prevent weeds. We will see. I know there will still be bugs, but I will be brave. I have turned my kids into the biggest sissies around so I need to do this as therapy for us all. We worked hard all day and into the night to get it all done. Here are some pictures of our work and the final outcome. I will post the progress and any bugs I find LOL!
Ethan got his red belt in taekwondo. He is so cute!!! Here are the pics of the award ceremony...
And finally... Easter. I wasn't going to put them up since it was a million days ago, but what the heck... Here is our egg dying activity and a pic of Christian who was very naughty. I was getting the liquids ready to dye the eggs so I didn't notice the disappearance of Christian. When you can't see him, you can bet he is in trouble. He was putting on mascara when I found him LOL!
I have 4 kids and a great husband that keep me busy. When I am not wiping bums or nursing a baby or cleaning messes or doing laundry or cooking dinner I like to crochet, do other crafts, or relax and read a book.